what a wonderful town
March 27th, 2008
by Michelle
I was smart enough to bring my camera, but not quite smart enough to remember the cord that connects my camera to my computer, so it looks like you’ll all just have to wait to see the latest pictures of the cutest 15-month-old boy in the history of the universe. Two delightful things have happened to me so far on this trip: one, Barnaby smiled at me within about two minutes of seeing me for the first time, and better yet, raised his arms to me to be lifted up after about only five minutes. My sweet nephew remembered me, and asked for me. That was the biggie. Second, and not quite as earth-shattering, Hildy, my mom’s dog, also remembered me, or at least, saw me as kindred spirit and went from growling at me when I first came up the stairs to rolling on her back in delight whenever I enter the room. Babies and puppies, I tells ya. They should figure out how to bottle that kind of joy.
It’s dreary in New York, but lovely still. This house is full of family in every possible way. And we got to watch the Carolina game- at least, until it was clear Carolina was winning by an embarrassing margin and the network switched to a more “compelling” game- with a bunch of friends AND babies (and ridiculously awesome Indian food). I’m feeling super peaceful and I’m really glad that I get to spend time with much of my family four times in the space of five months- Christmas, Los Angeles, now, and the Jartacular. It makes me feel so much more connected to the little ones. It’s a little odd being thrust into the world of coupled, childrened folks who just a few years ago were outdrinking me at bars in the East Village, since I’ve not yet taken the couple/baby plunge myself, but it’s a life that is appealing and so I really enjoy their company.
I do believe that someday soon, I too will be coupled in such a way, and squeezing out little ones of my own, and so it’s with a little relish that I watch these parents chase after their kids. I know, one way or another, I’ll somehow someday be doing the chasing, and so I’m able to savor my time that is still 100 percent, well, mine. Even my baby tomato plants are on someone else’s watch, and I’m proud to report I’ve not checked my work email since yesterday morning. And Sean made cookies. So I got to eat cookies and watch hilarious little ones and be responsible for exactly nothing. I know I’ll also have good days when my responsibilities to family and work are very different than they are right now, but it feel really good to give myself a forking break from everything.
And I’m super excited to go to D.C. on Sunday. Even though the vacation part of this trip is not nearly long enough, it’s a start. And it feels awful nice.