sacramento, part II

Three breezy days in a city where things actually happen.  The company of people from all over the state who are smart, seasoned, and yet who also see this as a learning experience.  The finding out that the five of us were chosen from forty, that maybe we are just a little bit special.  The finding out that my organization won another grant… and finding out face-to-face with the program officer, who is as excited to tell me as I am to hear it.

The shifting of feeling dismissed to feeling valued.  The ability to serve, in a way that matters most.  The ability to be a part of a process that brings arts education to children.
Another hotel room, with crisp white sheets and free internet, where I don’t mind that the view from my windows is of the dumpsters.
And the wondering, if I could go back to living half a life on the road: would it feel any more or less like home?  And the realization: maybe I need to stop wondering, and need to start focusing on the life I do have.