I don’t know what to do. My old, sick cat is ruining my apartment. I just washed everything- rugs, pillows, floors- and I was cooking dinner and looked down to see a huge stain on one of the fresh rugs. He can’t make it another three feet to the litter box. I’ve had this cat since I was a teenager. How can I possibly just get rid of him because he can’t control his bladder? But how can I live like this? The thing is, I can’t. I don’t know what to do.

In other, more pleasant and less smelly news, I did a great audition today. And that is saying a lot, because my last few auditions have been just terrible. It was for a national tour of “Sound of Music”, and although I’m not perfect for any role, I thought I’d try to look sixteen going on seventeen rather than thirty going on thirty-one. Funny how I always thought I’d have kids by the time I was thirty. Ha Ha! Anyway, I get to the Equity center before 8 AM, get my slot, wait forever, and then get called to sing. As I was waiting in line, the fact came out that the only person listening to the auditions was the assistant choreographer. Yeesh. But event the assistant choreographer has influence over the show, so I really wanted to do well. And I did. So much so that my song ended and I giggled. I was walking over to the accompanist to get my music and the auditor said, “Wow, what a beautiful song!” and I said “Yep. My mom wrote it.” I smiled at their “really?!” and their baffled faces and said, “Yep!” and marched out the door. How many others will be singing a song that their mom wrote? Ha Ha!

I spent the rest of the day at a salon. What, you might ask, was a poor person like me doing at a salon? And I tell you this: Pink House movie reshoots are happening in the next couple of weeks and my character was quite blonde. Since, it’s gone that sort of adult blonde, which translates to lightish brown if one does not spend some cash on highlights. Also, doing this audition today inspired me to take a little better care of my appearance. This can be hard for me, as most clothes that I think are cool or sexy can be described as “wicking”, and if I had my druthers I’d always be wearing a sport top and pants that can get ruined by bike grease. But I’m going to dive back into the acting world. Plus I can write off every cent I put on my credit card today. Ha Ha!

Best news yet: warm weather is just around the bend. Next week? Over 70 degrees!!!! HA HA!!! Best news ever: maybe this war will be over soon.