Okay, so, seriously, I know I’ve been complaining about the weather since this whole thing began but this is ridiculous. It’s the end of May, it’s raining, cold, and windy, and it’s time. It’s time to give us New Yorkers a break. This sucks, Ma Nature, and I expect you to make it up to us shortly. I want a month in the 70’s and low 80’s, no kidding around. I want June to be sunny and warm but stay away from the century mark on the thermometer. Seriously. The last two Junes, on my birthday, which for those of you who don’t know is June 26th, it has been steamy, heavy hot. I want to not sweat on my birthday. Other than in yoga class.

So in this sucky rainy day, I rode my bike. In the rain and cold. I had to ride three different places, one in Brooklyn and two in Manhattan, to pick up my reference forms from the lovely people who I chose to recommend me. My fourth stop was at the Peace Corps office on Varrick, right here in good ol New York. I chatted with the kind reception woman who seemed to think that if Africa is where I want to go, it will not be a problem. I think I will also throw in a bid for the Pacific, since there are some awfully pretty islands out there. Ideally, I want to work in forestry or agriculture, because I feel I can do EMT stuff and AIDS awareness anywhere I go, and it would be great to do triple duty. I am supposed to call next week to set up my interview, and if I pass that, there are two more hurdles: a background check, and a health exam. I am not worried in the least about either. My only health issue is my sight, and if they didn’t let people with bad eyesight in the Peace Corps I’m afraid they wouldn’t have a fraction of volunteers that they do now. Who knows, maybe in the background check they will discover some of Sean and I’s trickery when we were early teenagers… but I’m telling you, the Judson Pie incident was entirely called for. And so was the Boat incident. That’s all I’m going to say about that.

It’s not quite 9 on a Friday night, and I am debating whether to go into the city to buy a good map, or to curl up in my bed and watch The Fellowship of the Ring for the billionth time. That’s right, I’m as cool and popular as they get. Actually, I turned down plans tonight simply because I didn’t want to go out in this weather. So C’MON, ya’ll, turn the heater up on my city! Yeesh.