Just a few thoughts before I fall into bed… yet another week of working just a little too much.

1) How is it possible that a country like ours still has the death penalty? I mean, it’s beyond horrifying, it’s absurd. In the year 2100, some hot second-in-command starship dude (preferably one that is tall and hulky and bearded and responds to the name “Number 1”) is gonna look back at poor little pathetic America who still thought they had the right to decide if a person will live or die. Considering how we treat our homeless and elderly, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. But I am.

2) Because of lovely blog reader Jill, I’ve applied to the Peace Corps. Several of my family members laughed when they heard this, but it is a true funny thing. I’m banking on it. I want to do it. I am thrilled. The application took me like five hundred hours.

3) I think it’s about time for the man I’m going to marry to show up. Just show up. I got time, I’m going into the Peace Corps for god’s sake but I really think I’ve done this solitary thing long freaking enough. I’m a great writer of letters. When I’m in the bush, we will take “a little break” since you might have to sow some more seeds here in New York, and I might have to sow some of a different kind in Zaire or Zimbabwe. But really, I think it’s time. I mean, seriously. I have so much to offer, and need so little of his time, so will the person standing next to him just tap him on the shoulder, give him a little nudge, and say, “She’s ready. It’s time.” And then he can waltz right in where I work, or tell my friends where to find him, I don’t know, call my brothers, take out an ad in the Sunday New York Times. Figure it out.

4) Birthday season officially has begun, starting with Tessa on the 9th, and Sean tomorrow, and Ian soon after, and then, well. After a year off, I do believe that Birthday Month is back on the schedule. Starting June, there will be a host of activities.

5) I’m going to sleep.

P.S. All of the typos from the last blog were a result of typing on my portable keyboard and Palm, since I can’t see the screen so well and I uploaded it directly. I find them charming, and will leave them for the world to see.