I’m exhausted, so this will be unusually and thankfully short, but my brother Ian just wrote a blog about Animal Farm being read on the BBC. And how it is a perfect allegory for what is happening in this country. Remember the commandments the Snowball wrote, was it on the wall of the barn? And how each day, it seemed, the list got shorter and shorter… and the heartbreaking horse, whose name I cannot remember. He wasn’t smart enough to think for himself, but he thought if he just worked really, really hard, everything would be okay in the end? He didn’t know that Snowball was good and Napoleaon bad- he couldn’t differentiate, but as soon as he got too old to work, Napoleon sells him to be slaughtered for glue. His last scene, when he is loaded on the truck, and finally realizes what is happening to him… god, it haunts me still. He’s kicking at the walls of the truck, walls that in him prime could never had held him, but he is too worn from building the mill… and off he goes… ugh.

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

Man, I’ve got to say it, and I’m sorry if such language offends the like of my Dad, but FUCK GEORGE BUSH. Fuck him. I’m tired of this. I’m tired of sitting around and whining about this dorkweed in office. What exactly are we going to do? Are there really so few of us, are we really so wishy-washy that we cannot organize? Bush obviously stole the last election, but we are also to blame because we allowed it to get close. I believe we can actually change minds. If I sat my Aunt Donna down, my sweet Great-Aunt who truly believed that Saddam had WMD’s and that Bush was just defending us… I believe that if I sat her down with statistics and facts, maybe I could change her mind. What if all of us did that with one person. Would it really be hopeless?

I cannot write more. I’ve been out dancing to Brazilian music, a rare night of fun, and I have a double tomorrow. But I refuse to whine. Please, please let us mobilize before that stupid ignorant clown and his entire circus complete destroy our country. I am willing. I am all ears.

I want to change one person’s mind. Just one.