I’d just like to say that I’ve made a discovery. You know those Tofutti Cuties? Well, if you don’t, you are missing out. They are a prerequisite to any Williams freezer. They are these little ice cream bars, but without any animal fat, with ice cream made from tofu. And, like, they are so small that you can seriously eat two or three and not feel too guilty. Or four. Anyway, I’ve made a discovery, and it’s called Soy Delicious Lil’ Dreamers. Now obviously much has been stolen- sickly cute name, size, etc., but the thing with the Cuties is they don’t freeze very well. That is, they don’t stay very hard in the freezer, so you end up kinda eating the goop off the paper. The Lil’ Dreamers hold up quite nicely. I can’t say that I’ve actually made the switch, but I’ll tell ya that right now there is no battle in my freezer. The Dreamers are lined up and waiting for me.

So another amazing yoga class tonight… particularly because spring has come to New York only in the form of humidity. Overcast and wet. In the class, there was one lonely air conditioner doing its best in the back of the room, far far away from me. At one point, I came out of Downward Dog and into Warrior Two (I’ll spare you the Sanskrit names) and the rivulet of sweat down my back found its way to my toes. There is something simply primal and empowering about sweating that much. After class, Ms. B., her lady friend Meg and I had some tofu and beer at Sammy’s Noodles on 6th Ave, and just as I got to the train to go home the real storm hit.

I take the train home at night, even when I have my bike, because the bridges are no place for a single girl as soon as the sun goes down. The 2 train stops only a few blocks from my house, but Ma Nature decided to unleash all the heaviness of the day in a stunning downpour. My three-minute ride from the train to home left me so soaked that I was gasping from the shock of it- and trying to see through the rain flowing down my face. And now I’m home, with a cup of tea and a Lil’ Dreamer. Not such a bad day.