I get home rather late most nights, but it is always strangely assuring that my brother Ian is not yet asleep. How do I know this? Because every night I get home and check his blog, and every night it is the blog I read earlier that morning. When I get up at 8, the new blog is always there, but it has never appeared before 3 AM. So I know that there is at least one writer out there burning the midnight oil long after I’ve retreated to la-la land.

It is raining here in the city, raining out everyone’s weekday beach plans, possibly even raining out my ride to French class tomorrow. I’ve yet to take the subway to class or work since, well, since it stopped snowing, but the rain might get me down. Not because I’d get wet- I’ve got more wicking and rainproof gear than any single woman ought, and besides, I love riding in the rain- but I’m a little hesitant about my daily battle with the cars on Flatbush. When you add a bunch of rain and slick streets, well, it seems to exponentially raise the danger level.

Tomorrow is possibly my last trip to the doctor for the Peace Corps exams. I learn my PAP and HIV results, and hopefully will get the last of the paperwork I need to Fedex everything to Washington, D.C. I just want to get that done, drop it off at the Fedex center, and then sleep for an entire day. These tests and exams have been rigorous and, at times, painful, and while I think it’s great to make sure I’m healthy, I’m more concerned about finishing the last phase of my Peace Corps application. I’ve also just worked six shifts in four days and I’m not thinking clearly. I will be glad to know my results tomorrow, and gladder still to visit Fedex.

I have to be at French class in eight hours. Ugh.