Archive for July, 2003

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2003

So, he’s going to get re-elected, isn’t he? I mean, it’s just going to happen, right? So what does that mean for all of us who opposed him? Are our numbers really so small, so ineffective, so useless? Why can we not organize like they can? Why can’t we make some decisions and take a stand or two?

Maybe we need to get the elixir that brainwashed everyone from Dennis Miller to the guy I met in a bar the other night who was a pro-Bush, pro-war, pro-life Republican. I thought people of my generation… well, never mind about that. There are too many right-wing student’s groups, and too much money pouring in from the GOP to support them, for me to put any faith in those younger than I.

Well. More on this later. Gotta go get a massage.

Tuesday, July 1st, 2003

I’ve been in California for almost four days now, and I’ve accomplished two things: nine to ten hours of sleep a night, and a fantastic sunburn. The burn is fading, but the sleep does not get old. I was thinking about how miserable New York is, with the humidity and heat as it is, and wondering what the heat is like in Africa. Is it dry? Wet? And I know it gets cold and rainy at times… I’m already thinking about what I need to pack, and I haven’t even been officially invited. That is probably months away. But I still can’t help thinking about it.

Yesterday, Carole brought me to her garden class. This is not a class where one spends hours on their knees in dirt; quite the contrary, one walks around a particularly beautiful garden and house, and then drinks wine to finish the class. We visited a house that is almost beyond description in beauty and class, and well, in wealth. The money invested in the limestone floor in the bathroom could pay for all of my debt and more. But this woman is incredibly hard working, recently divorced, and obviously cares a great deal about her family- just like any of my own clan. She just has a gagillion dollars with which to accomplish her goals.

She also is opening a winery. I’ve thought about pursuing a job out here, perhaps long-term, or perhaps just for the harvest, and this year might be the one to do it. I’ve considered trying to find something for October and November, particularly if I leave for Africa in December. Again, I’m not banking on any of this, I’m just trying to create options for myself regardless of what this year will bring.

I’m sad to have missed Gay Pride in New York. Many of my friends are gay, and I would’ve like to celebrate with them over the weekend. Although had I been home, I would’ve worked the whole time, so better that I hang out at the pool and think simple thoughts. The great thing about being here is that it makes room in my mind to tackle whatever is next at home. For some reason, I can’t even worry about how broke I am, can’t even wonder how I’ll recover from this or any vacation financially. It is worth it, on so many levels, to be here and sleep well and clear space in my psyche. I know I have to go back and catch up in French class, and work a billion shifts, and live in ridiculous humidity, but I can also go back refreshed and ready for inspiration and change. My time here is never boring or dull, even if we don’t do that much. My time here is peaceful and recharging, and my Dad always suprises me with a few words that help me sort out my life.

I do miss my brothers, though. But we are off to San Francisco to shop for dresses for Ian and Tessa’s wedding. This should be a good time.