From today’s paper:

President Bush toured one of the nation’s largest power plants today and hailed the sprawling complex here as a symbol of how the relaxation of clean air rules would boost the economy and protect the environment.

It goes on to say:

While Mr. Bush was greeting workers, environmentalists said the relaxation of clean air rules known as the new source review would allow this plant to increase emissions by more than 30,000 tons a year, a 56 percent increase over current levels.

It’s not just that this man is stupid. It’s that he thinks we’re even stupider than he is. He says he’s stimulating the economy by taking off the environmental restrictions to produce power in dirtier ways. He says we can produce more power now. I mean, do we need more power? Obviously we just had a blackout but that was a screw-up, not a general need for higher demand.

Also, apparently now that “open war is over”, we are focusing on “rebuilding” Iraq and creating new jobs there. Gee, never mind that YET ANOTHER American was killed there yesterday. I mean, it’s over, right? For all intents and purposes? Screw the kids left there. Let’s tell the American public that it’s all about rebuild, rebuild, and then because they are so STUPID they won’t think about the kids being blown up by pipe bombs. Duh.

It’s a truly stunning day, 72 degrees and soft sunshine, but my heart is black with hate for this moron we have in office, and filled with shame for all of us who allowed him to get there.