I had a hundred things to write about today- the pictures at yahoo.com of the marriages in San Francisco, the greatness of the Indiana Jones series, the strange pain deep in my left shoulder blade, my lack of understanding for people who hate gay people, the terrific loaf of bread we bought today, you know, all the major events in my life, but I’ve just received an email from my friend Mike in Hollywood. Mike was robbed at gunpoint tonight, with several of his friends. None of them were hurt- that is, no one got shot. But Mike puts the rest of us to shame with his goodness, his kindness, his humor, and his ridiculous good looks. Sometimes I can’t bear to look at him because his beauty almost hurts. And someone pointed a gun into his face tonight, seemingly ready to end his life if he didn’t hand over his wallet and UNC watch.

I know this kind of stuff happens every day to people all over the world. Whatever. This simply should not, could not happen to Mike. I can’t allow it, can’t allow for it in my head.