In days past I could count the really good ones on one hand. Great days were so few and far between that I practically ruined them by constantly reminding myself of the terrific level of fun currently being experienced. Today was not that day. Mollie and I did, indeed, continually comment upon the greatness of each moment, but one moment we had climbed down a cliff only to be surprised by a colony of sea lions, the next we were trotting horseback on a misty beach, next had our entire dinner bought by a possible new chef-friend, and finally smoked a bunch of barflies by sinking the 8-ball on a combo. I’m exhausted and sunburned and I’m spending all of tomorrow with my friends in San Francisco. Did I mention that we are going to a concert at the Bohemian club and that my father will be conducting the orchestra? That one of my brothers will be there? Yeah. That’s my life.

Mollie and I spent a few minutes talking about things of a former life: Peace Corps, relationships, and then we spent ten or eleven hours planning our lives here. Career paths, ideas, options- including possibly working in wineries all over Europe this summer and getting back in time for harvest. Maybe, just maybe, I do want to teach and write about wine. If so, if this is going to be the thing that I do, the day job that doesn’t drive me crazy, then by god I gotta jump in. I have to actually commit. I have to dedicate myself to study and experience within the business, and that means getting over to the Old World. Small comfort considering the other continent that called me, but great comfort in that I can learn and live and then come home and be close to my parents. And beg my brothers to come here and visit. It’s hard to know what you have so close to home when you are always looking for the next big thing. Today, again, yet again, I love my life.