It’s been a crazy day. I challenged the bosses of my bosses on my job, I debated activism vs. actually being full of shit with friends both near and far, and, uh, got a new Peace Corps nomination. Honestly, I was pretty sure they forgot about me. But guess where they want me to go: that’s right, if you were originally supposed to go Niger, the 2nd “worst off” country in Africa, just guess where they’d send you next: that’s right, you got it: Mauritania. The country that impresses other Peace Corps folks already in Africa. I keep thinking to myself, “at least it’s not land-locked (weak smile)”. The question: am I ready to leave my community here, and all that is in it? Well. It would be hard to say yes.

I must got to bed, as it is the ripe hour of 10:17, but I would like to give a little shout-out to my bestest friend in the whole wide world- we will call her Stacey. She deserves more than the two sentences I’ll give her here, but I’m just sayin’, you would be a lucky person to have half a best friend as great as I do. She’s currently in Indonesia, leaving in two weeks for Vanuatu. So send her some good juju tonight for being one of the good ones.

When exactly did 10 PM become late? Ahh, but you should see my world at 7 AM. It’s not ugly.