On my ride this morning, I saw four deer grazing in a meadow, six or seven jackrabbits, flocks and flocks of birds. I came down a small hill on the Silverado Trail and heard a “whupwhupwhupwhupwhup”, intensely fast and loud, and as I turned the bend I saw the fans were on to keep the vines from freezing. The fans are huge, powerful, rotating, and that stretch of road had the only warmth I felt all morning.

Why do so many men have to be so predictable? What is so goddamn frightening about a woman liking you back? Seriously, I would be thrilled if someone could answer that question.

I’m flying to Los Angeles tonight, and it will be the first time back since the day I moved. I have a lot of different feelings about it. I can’t wait to see Ian and Tess, but I sure wish they were somewhere else entirely.