Bearing Fruit

Last night we had yet another fabulous wine dinner at Chez Elizabeth. Usually we pick a varietal and then build a menu around it; this time we all tried to bring wine that the others hadn’t heard of. And just in case you think that our wine dinners are all work and no play, please notice the notebook and Elizabeth’s furiously working hand in the right of this picture:

The wine we are drinking, Humanitas, is some pretty good juice. I particularly like it because like Paul Newman’s company, all of the proceeds go to charity. Check it out. Drink it at your wedding. You just might up lucky like my mac-daddy friend Jon.

But in even more exciting news, I was staking my tomato plants this morning, and as I was rearragning the stalks, a little something fell from the branches:

That right there is the first fruit to fall from my garden. It is the tiniest little Green Zebra heirloom tomoato ever, but it is a testament to the sad little patch of ground I call my own.

I put the little guy next to some big brothers in hopes that he will spread the word that his fellow tomatoes should grow up big and strong.

Mom, clearly you did not know the monster you created when you bought me a digital camera. But I’m taking the advice of my big brother Ian who says he sometimes writes entire blogs, then goes back and erases them and posts nothing but a picture. I hope my days of alienating old family friends with pathetic blogs are over. Welcome to the world of my tomatoes!

I am not someone who necessarily believes in better living through pharmacueticals, but currently, technology is serving me beautifully. I’d like to give a shout out to a few things making my life a billion times better:

1. My Olympus D-540 Zoom Digital Camera

2. My iPod

3. iTunes (particularly the “Party Shuffle”)

4. iPhoto

5. My Magic Chef Wine Cooler

6. My i705 Palm Pilot

7. My spanky new domain

8. Space Cat Litter (made of space-age polymers the absort both odor and liquid)