I was in Iowa when Iowa was in

Finally, an hour to actually write about this week… it’s been really busy, actually, and I’ve had exactly no time to myself, which has been perfectly wonderful. But now I’m back at Kent and Melissa’s house, wrapped up in a quilt and debating between a blog and a nap. I can only hope there is time for both before we all go see John Edwards speak this afternoon.

But I’m too tired to write, so instead, please enjoy this wee photoblog…

My first day here we went to pick pumpkins at the local patch…

My pumpkins are the middle one and the one on the far right. It’s the first time, probably ever, that I didn’t hide the pumpkins I’d carved, or at the very least, I’d hoped that a child’s baseball bat might put it out of its misery…

I was lucky enough to spend Lucas’ birthday with him and fam at the Brown Bottle…

and then out for a little too much tequila with my life-long best friend Stacey.

Stace and I found guildebooks for next September’s trip to Peru…

and were witness to the incredible sight of as many assembled toy soldiers as real soldiers have died in Iraq:

We also saw our former house on Forest Dr. in Cedar Rapids, where the owners cut down the best tree, paved the green grass, and fenced in the yard (and are voting poorly)…

and then another old Williams house, warm and inviting, largely unchanged (and voting wisely)

There’s much more, but time to go to the rally.