
I just had the unique experience of checking my work email after 7 PM and having no new messages. Huzzah!

I am featured on the home page of my employing company this month. I loathe the picture, but I loathe the mirror these days so there is little to be done about it. When I was little, I used to keep my mouth closed when I smiled because my teeth were so crooked, and because my brothers teased me mercilessly about the little flap of gum between my two crookedest teeth. My enormously large mouth and ridiculous teeth have had full revenge on me as an adult, however, brandishing their terror on unsuspecting digital images everywhere. Basically, I look, well, “special”.

Anyhoodle. Life rolls on. My recent affair, so quickly begun, is less appealing to me as I get to know New Guy. He’s totally sweet, and not too crazy, but we are in very different places in our lives. I had more in common with the 23-year-old baker than I do with this 28-year-old, even though he is a truly upstanding guy. I think we’re on the same page on this, which is good, because we will run into each other constantly in our lines of work. He’s been yet another reminder of what I want in my life, without being the end-all be-all himself. It’s good stuff, this practice of being a normal person in an potentially normal relationship.

I really miss my brothers. Ian and Tessa weren’t here nearly long enough, and Steve only arrives randomly, and Sean and Jordi are so far away. The good news is I get to see Kent et family very, very soon, but I don’t know when all of us are going to be in the same room again and that makes me sad.