Tell me

The heavens are weeping here in Napa Valley for the first time this season. We’ve had a couple of late-night showers, but today was the first day that the sun was blocked by soaked rain clouds. It was sprinkling when I woke up this morning, and the rain still falls heavily.

I’m done weeping, for now. I’m ready for a week-long media blackout, and a four-year long Bush blackout. Don’t get me wrong- I will pay attention, I will be informed, but there is no good reason for me to look at his stupid ass-face.

What I am ready to do is act. Tell me where to go, what to do, where to look, who to join, and I’ll consider it. Tell me how I personally can start the work towards election 2008, and I’ll do it. Tell me how I personally can do something to make sure that women have a right to choose, that the polar ice caps stop melting, and I will do it. Tell me how to change one mind a month for the next 48 months and I will gladly do the work. Tell me how to find a candidate that actually comes close to my own politics, but who can speak to middle America, and I will start his campaign NOW, in my little studio, in the little hamlet of Rutherford. I will do it. But I don’t know how.

I am dead serious. If anyone out there has any bright ideas, reasonable ideas, directions, or thoughts, I beg you to send them to me. I can’t find anything on the internet, can’t quite narrow down the Google search (my last try was “what do I do now?”) I will claim utter ignorance, and complete cloudiness- I haven’t the foggiest idea where to begin. But I want to begin, so if someone out there has any concrete ideas, I want ’em. And I tell you this: put me to work on the next Democratic campaign for President. Do it. We’ll win. He will be brilliant and funny and articulate, but southern or midwestern and appealing. We need to find him, and then he needs me to work on his campaign.

We can have a quiet revolution as the Republicans sit back on their haunches and rest on their majority. We can be worms that slowly devour the Republican stronghold on the center and south of this country. We will invite the Christian Right to stay in the houses of the lord, and draw out the younger voters who just couldn’t get excited by Kerry. We will be moles, infiltrating middle American. And the Republicans will do most of the work for us- things are going to get so incredibly awful that it will finally become undeniable and unbearable and American will lust for someone SMART and CAPABLE rather than someone who seems like he’d be fun in a hot tub. The war will drag, our health care costs will skyrocket, our teenagers will not be able to go to college, and finally, finally, something is going to break. We just have to be prepared and have done the groundwork to catch the country when it falls.

Someday, the rest of the world will try to forgive us for being such assholes. But first we have to stop being assholes on an international scale, and that’s not going to stop for four more years. We’ve got work to do.