
I didn’t take a lunch break at work today, so rather than running off to the gym, I am taking the time to use a functioning computer to finally, alas, blog. It’s been a nutty month, but things are really only interesting in the moment, so I won’t regale cyberspace with tales of days gone past.

My birthday, however, was extraordinary- pics to follow, if my laptop ever decides to behave again. The pirate pool party was fabulous silliness, and the peaceful days off that followed were equally wonderful. My life has changed much since my last birthday, and I’m very, very thankful for what’s happened, and what continues to happen.

I learned yet another major lesson over the last twenty-four hours, and that is what to say- and what NOT to say- to the press. I was all over this weekend’s paper, and most of it was good stuff, but one of my quotes ruffled some major feathers in my community and I had some explaining to do- namely, that the quote was taken out of context, and included to incite conflict. But it was interesting to discover the caliber of folk who took issue with my quote- interesting to discover they actually cared what I think. And what I say. But, as with all things when you are above board, it only improved relations in the end… although I did lose precious sleep over it last night.

And tonight is my first meeting of a year-long leadership program in which I’m participating. I’ll be meeting the handful of fellow participants as well as all the mentors who will be working with us. I am very excited about this program and I hope to be able to write about it candidly. This is just an informal meet-and-greet, but in a couple of weeks we take a week-long retreat on the Sonomoa coast and get down to business. And, yes, they pay me for this stuff. Amazing, right? I mean, I’m paid peanuts, but they are keeping the bowl full while I’m gone for a week at the coast learning to be a better leader. Or at least, that’s the hope.

I hope further that my computer starts to work, and that the hot lawyer guy works out, and that I raise tens of thousands of dollars in the near future, and that I learn how to secure corporate funding for my non-profit. That’s all for now.

Thank you all for your birthday wishes. That pic of me on Ian’s blog is terrifying. I totally remember that doll- I loved it to pieces.