please have snow and mistletoe

It’s four days to Christmas, and all of the Williams kids are in New York. It’s delightful. Last night, three brothers, two wives, two nephews, one girlfriend, the mom, and little ‘ol me all slept in the same house- a two-bedroom house, mind you- and all morning I’ve been wandering from room to room, because someone interesting and awesome is in every space. This is Christmas to me. I certainly enjoy the giving and getting of extremely cool gifts, but this is the truly good stuff.

Of course, I am also in New York during the transit strike, which has put a major wrinkle in my holidays plans, but it means more time with my family, and I have no complaints. Yesterday, Jordana and I spent all day shopping in Queens, and even though it was brutal cold, even though we got a flat tire, it was still a really good day. And now there are a number of us in my brother Sean’s bedroom, watching C-Span, talking abou ANWAR and bitching about the strike. Call me crazy, but this is my kind of vacation.

And today, later this afternoon, I’ll be seeing an old friend I haven’t seen in twenty years. That right there is an extraordinary Christmas present. All I need now is a pony.