eggs and thanks

It’s almost 4:30 on Sunday afternoon, and it’s not yet thinking about getting dark- which gives me so much hope. I am not someone who should be out of the sun, and during the winter months when the world shuts down before 5 PM I have a hard time keeping my spirits up. But today, the winter flowers are blooming, the mustard has gone nuts all over the valley, and the sun has not yet decided to abandon us for the day.

This past week was stranger than even the weeks before it, and I find myself questioning every major decision I’ve made of late. Suddenly I don’t know what I want to do, where I want to go. I know that less than six months from now, things will be different, but I don’t know what brand of different, although, damn it, every time I close a door, I swear another one opens, and maybe that will continue.

Yesterday, my Friend Dan and I spent the day wandering the valley and then for dinner, we made cookies and deviled eggs. It was a superb dinner, one I recommend to anyone, but I mention it only because I was finally able to use a gift sent to me some months ago:

That’s right, a Tupperware tiered deviled egg holder. It is hilarious. It was sent to me by Jordana’s parents because they noticed how I tend to power down deviled eggs at family events. I should be so lucky to marry into a family a tenth as cool as Jordana’s. Anyway, I know I look insane in this picture, but it is a testament to my thanks for such a delightful, thoughtful, inspired, and random gift, sent for no reason other than the opportunity to give.