
Sometimes I’ll be sitting in a room, and I’ll look around, and I’ll be struck by how beautiful everyone is around me. This doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it’s intense, and wonderful, and warm. It’s one of the few times that I actually relax, that I actually let go, because somehow I’m able to include myself in that feeling- if everyone here is beautiful and good, I must be beautiful and good!- and it is a profound and delightful feeling.

Today, at work, I was walking to my car, thinking about a number of things- a voicemail I got today, the dinner I had last night, an evening I had a couple of weeks ago, and I suddenly felt that way about every man in my life. I had a rare and gorgeous moment of loving, loving, loving every man I know. Everyone from my boss, who is so committed to me, to my dad, who left me the sweetest voicemail about my work with the Red Cross, to my brothers, who were each separately awesome over Christmas, to the man I had dinner with last night, to the man I talked with yesterday, to my dear friend Jon who made me laugh so hard during our Holiday dinner, to Matt who loves Elizabeth so much- all of you absolutely gorgeous men. I haven’t always had good men in my life, and it is so nice, so refreshing, so exhilarating to look around and feel love.

So this short little blog goes out to all of you- all of you who took time this last week, however little time, in however ways large and small- to let me know that I matter to you. I’ve made a lifetime of making a lot happen with very little, but this week, you have all filled me. Thank you.