Totally Random Pics

I’m not entirely ready to do write a year-end, or a year-beginning blog, but I was going through iPhoto on my new-ish computer and found some pics I’d like to share from the past 4-5 years. No rhyme or reason to them, just wee snapshots of the last few years of my life.

This is a pic, a few summers ago, of my mom, me, and baby Lucy. My mom is so damn cute, not to mention LuLu Beans.

In fall of 2004, I was visiting Iowa when John Kerry’s campaign when through. My brother Kent took me to see John Edwards speak. He was hoarse, but it was good times.

This is from the family reunion of three years ago. My brother Steve, one of the tallest of the tall, holds little baby Lucy.

One of many shots from my time in Louisiana and Alabama after Hurricane Katrina, when I was volunteering for the Red Cross. That’s a massive riverboat casino on the left. I can’t really explain how large it was, and how it had flattened all of the trees and buildings below it. There were several of these, lining the land about 300 yards from the ocean.

Two summers ago, my dad and my Uncle Chuck spent most of the afternoon building a frame to hold an air conditioner in my upstairs apartment window. We turned on the air and left the house for twelve hours. When we returned, it was even hotter in the apartment. To feel the air from the unit, I had to stand directly next to it. It was useless, trying to cool that place, but I got to have lunch with my Uncle Chuck at the local Buttercream Bakery.

Why do I have to be such a tard? Alas, here I am with a wee baby Barnaby, and wee baby Ezre, the daughter of my best friend.

A sweet pic of Tessa and Lucy on Lucy’s birthday this past year. Two unbelievably beautiful creatures.

Me, my friend Mollie, and my friend Elizabeth, and Elizabeth’s “bachelorette party” which consisted of the three of us, pizza, and a great deal of Chardonnay.

Finally, a couple of teaser pics from Peru. I spent almost three weeks there this past summer, and I’ve yet to write about it. Suffice to say I’ve never been so ill- truly, never- but it was extraordinary, and Stace was the best travel partner a girl could ask for.

The two of us at Macchu Pichu:

Stace watching a parade in Cuzco

What does 2008 have to bring? I don’t know. I’m hopeful about a lot of things, and I’m looking forward to this year.