Best. Gadget. Ever.

I just finished yet another 13-hour day, but a little something makes it all better.  A little something called the Back to Basics TEM500.  

What is it?  Ladies and gentlemen, it is a combination egg poacher and toaster.  I hear tell there is also a “meat warmer”, but not being a bacon person, I’ve yet to try out that feature.  This beautiful, precious little machine times the poaching and toasting to your liking- so you can tell it you want hard-poached eggs and lightly toasted toast and it does it all, flawlessly.
I’ve had a deep love of Egg McMuffins my whole life; but these days, I can’t justify a) giving McDonald’s my money or b) putting that kind of crap into my body.  This wee little machine, sitting unobtrusively on my back counter, treats me just right.  The egg is even *shaped* to properly fit on the English Muffin.  Bliss, I tell you.
What makes this scenario even better?  Fresh, home-baked maple whole wheat bread.  Yup, I took the plunge, and baked my first loaf of 100% whole-wheat bread.  Fifteen minutes out of the oven, I sliced a couple pieces, slathered them with butter, and shared them with a friend, both of us unable to speak for the utter culinary joy.
This morning, since I now know how to properly store bread, it was still brilliantly fresh; and so, breakfast was a homemade Egg McWholeWheatCheddarAvocado sandwich.  Holy crap, was it good.  Dinner tonight?  After a day like today?  Nothing but a beautiful piece of toast.  
Even if you don’t have the good fortune of having my homemade gorgeous bread, the TEM500 can improve your life.  I guarantee it.