on being almost 3


“Hi, Lucy?  Is this Lucy?  This is your Aunt Michelle!”
“Hi… Aunt Michelle.”
“Hi Lucy, what are you doing?”
(Long pause)
“I’m talking to you.”
“Okay, well, yes.  So, is your mama and daddo there?”
“I’m with Laura!”
“Oh, great, where’s mama?”
“She’s in her office.”
“Where’s daddo?”
“He’s at the store.  He’s buying a coke.  And a little present for me too, I think.”
“That’s great, so what are you doing?”
“We probably can’t watch Pingu.  Momma says it’s not okay.”
“Umm, okay, well, maybe we can later?”
“I ate dinner.”
“Wow, that’s, that’s good, I mean, was it good?”
“I answered the phone, and I’m talking to you.”
“Lucy, I’m really close- I’m only like 15 minutes away, I can’t wait to see you!”
“Aunt Michelle!”
(Sound of my heart breaking in ten thousand pieces)