the best possible accolades

Last month, I was a “Community Leader Reader” at a local elementary school.  During their read-a-thon, this school invites local folks in to read to kids in a few classrooms.  So for about two hours, I wandered from class to class, reading “The Frog Prince: Part II” to 2nd through 5th graders.  It was such a lovely experience, and the kids were SO. DAMN. CUTE.  Today, I got the most wonderful package in the mail.

It turns out, I have fans:

My other favorite letter read:
Dear Ms. Williams,
I like when the Prince kissed the woman and how are you doing because the story that you read to us I hope you can come back so you can read that story again.
I like how Jose is concerned about my ongoing health, and wanting to be sure I’ll be well enough to come next year.
I was wondering if maybe I could arrange to get one of these in mail every single day.